Thursday, January 30, 2014

Always Date a Traveler

In rebuttal to the recent post "Don't Date a Girl Who Travels" that is trending now, we are here to tell you why we believe just the opposite.

Always date a traveler.

They're the ones with fire in their eyes and a under their feet that will always keep them on the go.
They will keep you on your toes and life will never be dull. You will experience things beyond your wildest dreams and yet they always find more to dream about. You will have days, even weeks, that your form of a bath is whatever body of water is nearest you. Sure, their hair might dread every now and then and they might smell of sea-salt or sulfer 90% of the time; but then again, so do you.

Always date a traveler.

They are easy to please. They don't need your flashy car and for you to spend anything more than time with them. They are happy taking a hike to just sit and listen to the silence under the stars. They are content alone but prefer to be with fellow travelers. We as people, were not meant to be alone. They will make friends everywhere and anywhere they go. They are genuinely fascinated by other people and are interested in how different cultures live. They are open to new ideas and new adventures. They have an itch that they can't get rid of (no not from the bed bugs they might get) but to learn more each day.

Always date a traveler.

They know all of the best travel tips. They will find you theeee cheapest flights at the best time of year so you can avoid all of the annoying tourists on their 5 star vacation in a hurry and getting nowhere fast. They will mingle with the locals and get all of the insider tricks of the trade. They roam. They eat the best food. They find the lokies hang out spots. They enjoy the places they go at a slow pace just taking it all in. They will teach you their ways and hold your hand as you go.

Always date a traveler.

Money is not an object for them. They live cheap so they can save up and blow it on the best trip of their lives only to discover a better trip a month later. They find jobs that are seasonal and rather than answering to the man, they find ones flexible enough to allow the lifestyle they need to feed their addiction. They are frequent couch surfers and hostel hunters because when you're in an amazing city, sleep is a commodity that you would rather not waste your time with.

Always date a traveler.

They may not know what career choices are in their future but they know exactly who they are becase of the places they have been and the things they have experienced. They are wise beyond their years. They understand things in a clearer way and instead of reading about other peoples history they are out there creating their own. No need for a permanent address because that is boring. They are in their own world. And they are happy.

Always date a traveler.

They will open your eyes to what living is really about. They will show you the things that matter most in this life. They will create a traveler out of you. And when you do fall in love with that person, which let's be honest, is bound to happen; Never let them go.

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